Shawn Killackey

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I work mostly with acrylic paints on either canvas or framed board. My subjects have ranged from people to animals to structures. I consider myself more of a realist painter where I paint what is right in front of me and showing the viewer what I see.
I was born & raised in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and started drawing at a very young age. I was involved with different art classes held at local museums and ended up majoring in art when I went to college. I earned an Associate Degree in Visual Arts at Berkshire Community College and a Bachelor degree in Commercial Art & Illustration at Westfield University.
Over the years, I now have artwork all over the country & in some other countries as well by being commissioned for art, selling existing artwork and through donations.
My artwork has been displayed in different galleries and museums
around northern Illinois plus in several art festivals around the area.
shop Shawn Killackey collection
Have a creative project in mind? Collaborate with us! We have the creative vision, and multi-talented artist to help.